Management policy

Management policy

MONVA, S.A. emerged in 1972, and became MONVA, S.L. in October 2006, giving shape to an agricultural tradition that dates back to several generations of the Montabes family dedicated to the production of Extra Virgin Olive Oil and later to its packaging under their different own brands.

At MONVA, Food Safety, Quality and Environmental protection are essential for the company’s competitiveness and, therefore, for its survival. The Management of Monva has established this Management Policy as a framework of reference in which all the company’s activities must be carried out so as to guarantee customers and other interested parties the commitment acquired by MONVA through its Management system. Integrated and Food Safety System.

The organization complies with ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015, IFS v. standard. 7, as well as with other legal requirements applicable to MONVA, such as the regulations of the Regulation of the Denomination of Origin “Sierra Mágina”, and that of the API (Integrated Production Association) “Sierra Mágina”, also being a company Certified in Integrated Production of the Olive grove. All these standards, in their current edition, are printed in the Quality Department and are available to anyone who requests them.

Starting from the conversion of several plots in October 2019 of the farm located in Los Caños, in Baeza, MONVA produces homegrown ORGANIC EVOO, to be packaged under the brand HUERTA LOS CAÑOS ORGANIC EVOO”.

It is appropriate to the purpose and context of the Organization, supports its strategic direction and is in accordance with the scope of the Management System:

Production of Virgin, Extra Virgin and Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil. Packaging of Extra virgin olive oil, Virgin Olive Oil and Organic Extra Virgin. Sale of Bulk Olive Oil.

The Management Policy is based on the following principles:

1. Quality means meeting the needs and expectations of customers, both externally and internally of the company. All of us who are part of MONVA are at the same time suppliers and clients of each other, so we must satisfy the needs and expectations of our clients and be served in the same way, acting responsibly and effectively in the face of possible claims and complying with everything. what is established in the ISO 9001:2015 standard.

2. The Food Safety given to our product lies in compliance with the HACCP System implemented in MONVA, together with the requirements specified in the IFS v.8 standard, thus establishing strict control over the critical control points that are presented and /or may occur in the manufacturing and packaging of our product. MONVA has opted for the Culture of food safety and product quality, understood as the set of attitudes, beliefs and ways of acting that will ensure that the company’s strategy is directed towards continuous improvement of quality and food safety, guaranteeing at all times a safe and quality product for the consumer.

3. Environmental sustainability, based on the continuous improvement of environmental management and behavior, complying with the guidelines set by ISO 14001: 2015, through risk assessment, prevention and analysis of the ultimate causes of problems that arise, not limited only to their detection. Based on Continuous Improvement, we strive every day to make good use of the limited resources that the environment provides us, thus guaranteeing their long-term continuity, ensuring a commitment to managing the improvement of environmental performance. . Since 2016 we have been immersed in the Seo Bird Life Project from which we have obtained the “Olivares Vivos” certification. In 2020 we carried out a C02 emissions study with Ecodes, obtaining the “Zero C02 2020” seal. Since 2021, Monva has actively participated in an environmental sustainability evaluation project, developed by Citoliva and the Provincial Council of Jaén, based on the 2030 Agenda and its sustainable development objectives.

4. In the decision-making process, in the planning and in the execution of activities, the necessary measures are taken into account to prevent possible contamination of soil, atmosphere or water, so that they are carried out in a manner that is respectful of the environment. environment. Thus a point is created for adaptation to the impacts of the company and the specific environment in which it operates.

5. Guarantee compliance with applicable environmental legislation and regulations at the national, regional and local levels, with special emphasis on legislation on atmosphere, water and waste, so as to ensure that activities are and will be developed in accordance with those demands, thus guaranteeing a promise with all interested parties, especially with the different Administrations. Likewise, it guarantees compliance with the legislation and regulations applicable to olive oil, food safety, and Organic Production, so as to ensure that the product produced in Monva complies with the principles of the Codex Alimentarius, in such a way that safety is guaranteed , legality, quality and authenticity of our product.

6. Provides a series of procedures as common reference elements for quality assurance and for the prevention and control of pollution, both during the development of normal activity and in cases of accidents.

7. Guarantee the high state of hygiene and maintenance of all facilities, eliminating risks that could be associated with Critical Points within our System, due to deficiencies in cleaning and maintenance operations.

8. The training and participation of all employees is of extreme importance, both in the definition and in the achievement of the planned objectives and goals and in the improvement of management. Each member of MONVA is aware of their responsibility and must act in their role as manager of the resources managed by them, directing them to the proposed purpose. To achieve a true food safety culture rooted in the company, we have begun by working on the individual awareness of all workers, offering them knowledge about the product they manufacture or market, even going so far as to integrate the science surrounding the product and its use in the company. society. In the same way, all areas are interrelated with each other, thus ensuring the traceability of processes and products, being able to detect any anomaly or setback that may arise in any step or process.

9. MONVA is aware that to achieve customer satisfaction, good coordination and internal management of the company is necessary with the collaboration and approval of all its employees, which is why one of our main commitments is the equality and respect of the human team that makes possible for the proper functioning of the Company and the fulfillment of all our objectives.

Ensures good training, information and management of occupational risks associated with the job, in terms of safety, health and ergonomics. An equality plan and an action plan against harassment in the company have been implemented.

In the same way, MONVA, S.L. is committed to the use of social responsibility as a means of improving understanding, with all interest groups that interact with it: suppliers, partners, administration, competitors and Society in general.

10. Learn from past performance, so it is necessary to keep records with historical data and have the ability to analyze them and draw conclusions that help improve, effectively dealing with non-conformities and incidents to achieve the greatest possible satisfaction of our customers.

11. Ensure product safety at all times by establishing an Incident Management Team that will proceed as established in the product Withdrawal and Recovery procedure, in the event of any serious problem or food alert that may arise. This security is also complemented by an evaluation of the risk of fraudulent actions, based on the Fraud Management Procedure, thus adding the proactivity and commitment of the entire organization in the prevention of this type of incident to guarantee clients and consumers. In turn, through the Communication Plan established in the Product Withdrawal and Recovery Procedure, the entire system to follow is indicated to inform clients and consumers how to address and solve incidents related to said recalls, in the event that there are. Likewise, it verifies that the raw materials and auxiliary materials acquired through external suppliers comply with the existing specifications and their authenticity and that all the essential processes that make up the Management System are perfectly controlled to avoid food fraud.

12. Carry out strict control over the review of the Management System, always taking into account all opportunities for improvement that may arise and always guaranteeing a process of continuous improvement, including within it advances in scientific and technical developments applicable to our industry. The food safety culture is considered well implemented at MONVA since the safety and health of consumers are understood and accepted as a priority by the entire organization.

Based on this Policy and every 12 months, Management approves the objectives for the entire Organization, so that the lines of improvement for that period are established. Such objectives contain or at least the four basic pillars of the food safety culture: communication on food safety policies, training, feedback and measurement of employee performance on issues related to food safety.

This Management Policy is communicated and understood by all the people who work at MONVA; We must act according to these premises, which will make our company recognized for the high quality, food safety, legality and authenticity of the products it supplies and for doing so in an environmentally friendly manner, achieving a guarantee for the future that only competitive organizations and at the forefront of the market they can offer.

Authorized, reviewed and signed by Management
Edition: 17
Approval date: 08/28/2023